You can deploy to a physical device or an emulator, which is a representation of the device on your computer. With Xamarin and React Native, the deployment options are quite similar. Now that you have an app coded, you need a way to run it. With React Native, you can use your preferred text editor. You’re a bit more boxed into coding using Visual Studio if you choose to develop in Xamarin. To run React Native apps, you need to do more configuration, like setting path variables in configuration files. You can write code and run it more easily. In terms of setup, I feel like Xamarin tends to work a bit better out of the box than React Native.
To install React Native, you need to use npm, a package manager for JavaScript. To use Xamarin, you have to download and install Visual Studio. So, now that you know a bit of background on these platforms, let’s see how they compare in terms of setup, coding, deployment, and testing.
Like Xamarin, you can build Android and iOS apps. After React was made, this concept was extended to React Native, taking the library and adapting it to mobile development.

React’s idea is, in a nutshell, to write JavaScript code that renders into HTML. React Native is based on React, a JavaScript library created by Facebook. In addition, you can even use Xamarin to write tvOS, watchOS, and macOS apps. You can also write apps for Windows phones. There’s no need to learn Swift to write iOS apps and Java or Kotlin to write Android apps. You write the code once, and it runs everywhere. It allows you to create mobile applications. If you’re starting a project, which one of these should you use? In this post, I answer that question Xamarin vs.

Two well-known ones are Xamarin and React. What they came up with is software that can translate code into the format needed for different mobile OSs without having to rewrite it. But because this violates the don’t repeat yourself principle of coding, software developers set out to solve this problem. That meant you needed to write the same code multiple times. People have Android and iOS devices of different software types. The big challenge with mobile development is managing all the operating systems (OSs) and devices out there.